Connect with your audiences like never before

Awardable equips creators with a broad selection of post types and tools to connect with their audiences effectively.
June 24, 2024

Events and Gating

On Awardable, every post you publish is considered an event. Some posts can be launched multiple times, while others are one-time events. Events can be public, allowing everyone to participate, or gated, using Awardable's systems to control access.

Gating options include social qualifiers like interacting with Tweets or joining a stream, as well as our native systems like geolocation, passcodes, raffles, and more. These gating systems are available for all post types, giving you the flexibility to create exclusive content for specific groups.

Our Combiner tool allows you to link event qualifiers with simple and/or logic. For example, you can restrict access to people in a certain location who also know a passcode, or to those who join your stream or interact with your Tweets. The options are endlessly flexible, giving you the tools to tailor your audience's access precisely.

Standard Text Posts

Our standard text post is the default post type on Awardable. Similar to Tweets, these posts allow up to 300 characters and don't need an image. They're perfect for sharing status updates, discount codes, links, and more. Available to all users, text posts offer a simple yet effective way to communicate with your audience.

Award with Badges

Badges are digital, collectible images or animations you can share with your audience. Creating a badge is easy: just upload an image, give it a title and description, and decide who can collect it. You can launch badges for multiple events, giving collectors a chance to get a new one each time.

Badges are a fun way to engage your audience and are also available in our Shopify App, where you can award them to your shoppers as collectibles. This helps increase conversions and customer retention. Each new badge event ends the previous one, keeping your audience excited for the next opportunity.

Reward with Points

Points are custom-branded loyalty rewards that help you incentivize your community. With a leaderboard feature, Points encourage your audience to climb the ranks and engage more with your content. You can run multiple Points events at the same time, creating a complex reward system that you can set and forget.

Points can also be used in Shopify stores through our app, allowing your shoppers to unlock exclusive discounts and products. Plus, you can sell Points, providing a recurring source of revenue for creators. This makes Points a versatile tool for rewarding your audience and driving engagement.

Write Gated Content

Our rich content editor lets you write blogs, newsletters, and other articles, and gate them to a qualified audience. It includes all the digital publishing tools you’d expect, with the added benefit of Awardable’s gating systems. Content can have one event to qualify readers, ensuring your most valuable content is accessible only to those who meet your criteria.

Host Exclusive Chats

Start a group chat and gate it using Awardable. Our chats are simple, secure, and fun. You can create a chat based on a specific location, lock it with a password, or make a room exclusive to members of your Twitter Space. Chats can have one event, providing a focused and exclusive way to engage with your audience.

Something for Everyone

Awardable offers a variety of ways to post, covering a broad range of use cases to help you interact and engage with your communities. Our suite of tools empowers all creators to share engaging posts and target them to the specific groups you want to reach.

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